Thursday, April 02, 2009

RAGE and Pneumonia

We are working with customers and collaborators to strengthen our product offerings for Immune Response Researchers.

An interesting finding on Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE) and response to S. pneumoniae pneumonia infection just crossed our radar. Dr. Marieke A. D. van Zoelen and team published evidence that RAGE plays a detrimental role in the host response to S. pneumoniae pneumonia by facilitating the bacterial growth and dissemination and concurrently enhancing the pulmonary inflammatory and procoagulant response. Data include use of our RAGE-Cat#: GT15030.

Here's the publication and related data:

Marieke A. D. van Zoelen, Marcel Schouten, Alex F. de Vos, Sandrine Florquin, Joost C. M. Meijers, Peter P. Nawroth, Angelika Bierhaus, and Tom van der Poll. The Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products Impairs Host Defense in Pneumococcal Pneumonia. J. Immunol., Apr 2009; 182: 4349 - 4356.

...Endogenous peroxidase activity was quenched using 1.5% H2O2 in PBS. Primary Abs used were goat anti-mouse RAGE polyclonal Abs (Neuromics), and secondary Abs were biotinylated rabbit anti-goat Abs (DakoCytomation). ABC solution (DakoCytomation) was used as the...

Images: Expression of RAGE in lungs during S. pneumoniae pneumonia. Representative view of a lung from a normal, uninfected Wt mouse (A) displaying ubiquitous expression of RAGE on the surface of endothelium. B, Absence of RAGE positivity in the lung of a RAGE–/– mouse. C and D, Lungs from a Wt mouse 48 h after the inoculation of S. pneumoniae. Arrow indicates bronchial epithelium in healthy lungs (A); asterisk indicates neutrophils in an area with confluent pneumonia (D), both being negative for RAGE staining. RAGE staining: original magnification x10.

Realted Reagents:
RAGE Mouse Mononclonal
Immune Response Antibodies

Immune Response Proteins

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