Monday, September 08, 2008

Neurotoxicity Testing

We combine our expertise in providing fresh and healthy:

E18 and E20 Rat Primary Neuronal Tissue -NEURON CULTURES

E18 Rat Primary Neuronal Tissue - ASTROCYTE CULTURES

E18 Mouse Neuronal Tissue -NEURON CULTURES

E18 Mouse Neuronal Tissue -ASTROCYTE CULTURES

AND Apoptosis Research Reagents

to help researchers more effectively study Neurotoxicity.

Images: Polycaspase Assay Kit, green was used to assess cell death in primay rat hippocampal neurons.Cells were plated on 25-mm poly-l-lysine-coated coverslips at 300,000 cells per coverslip. Cells were used at 4 or 8 days in vitro. Composite imagae (A) 3 out of 4 cells are apoptotic (green). No cells were necrotic as both of the PI-positive cells were FLICA-positive; they had compromised membranes and were probably in the late stages of apoptosis rather than necrosis. (B) 3 Caspase-positive cells fluoresce green.

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