Primary Neurons are inputs or raw materials for cell based assays. When cells do not work as promised, there are multiple costs including lost time and potentially flawed data. Neuromics strives to provide easy to culture, potent and cost effective cells. Proving these capabilities is an ongoing activity for us. This includes testing these cells using our markers.
I wanted to share new immunofluorescence images. Here is a link to the protocol: staining primary neurons.
hN2 cells stained with our chicken polyclonal antibody to Vimentin, in red. Islands of Hn2 cells form after 4 days in culture forming beautiful flower like structures. Vimentin is a well established marker of early differentiating neuronal lineage cells. Taken with a 10X objective lens. Blue staining is the nuclear DNA.
hN2 cells grown in culture for 4 days and stained with our chicken polyclonal to MAP2, a marker of neurons. Differentiating cells show strong cytoplasmic staining for MAP2 . Blue stain is DAPI and reveals cell nuclei of some non neuronal cells in this culture.
hN2 cells grown in culture for 4 days and stained with our chicken polyclonal to Neurofilament light or low molecular weight chain NF-L, a marker of neurons. Many of the differentiating cells show strong cytoplasmic and clearly fibrillar staining for NF-L. Blue stain is DAPI and reveals cell nuclei of some non neuronal cells in this culture.
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