Thursday, June 27, 2019

FBS-Put it to Work

Priced Right

We provide, to our customers, the same Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) we use in our defined media. This FBS enriched media is used in culturing all our human 2 and 3-D based Assays. Our FBS is of the highest quality and priced right at $379/500 ml.

Here're some recent publications referencing its use.

  • Gabriela Fernandes, Stephen T Vanyo, Shahad Bakheet Alsharif, Sebastiano Andreana, Michelle B Visser, Rosemary Dziak, Ph.D. Strontium Effects on Human Gingival Fibroblasts.
  • Douglas Dickinson, Shannon Xayaraj, Sarah Dickinson, Xueling Shao, and Stephen Hsu.  Effect of Novel Formulations using Lipophilic Epigallocatechin3-Gallate against Influenza Virus Infection. Microbiol Infect Dis. 2018; 2(3): 1-8
  • Fei Cao, Li-Xue Yin. (2018). miR-122 enhances sensitivity of hepatocellular carcinoma to oxaliplatin via inhibiting MDR1 by targeting Wnt/β-catenin pathwayExperimental and Molecular Pathology.
  • Amélie Robert, Peirun Tian, Stephen A. Adam, Mark Kittisopikul, Khuloud Jaqaman, Robert D. Goldman, and Vladimir I. Gelfand. Kinesin-dependent transport of keratin filaments: a unified mechanism for intermediate filament transport. 26 Jun 2018
  • Mayuri Manoj Vaidya (2018). Verification of Apoptosis in MDA-MB-231 Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cells Post NBA Photodynamic Therapy Using DNA Fragmentation Assay and Cell Death Dyes. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Texas San Antonio 

  • And a recent review

    We bought a large order of FBS from Neuromics. Our experience with their customer service was great. They offered us the best price and worked with us on any issue issues that came up on our side.Olesya Plazyo - Mar 12, 2019 - Rating: 5.0

    We offer 50 ml. samples for testing. If interested email

    Wednesday, June 19, 2019

    Sex Differences on the Behavior of Human Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells (HBMECS)

    The Risk of Stroke
    There are sex differences in risk for stroke and small vessel ischemic disease in the brain. Microvesicles (MV) derived from activated cells vary by cell of origin and the stimulus initiating their release. MV released from cells activated by inflammatory and thrombotic factors have the potential to disrupt endothelial cells of the brain microvasculature. Therefore, experiments were designed to identify sex differences in the phenotype of MV released from cultured human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC) in response to inflammatory and thrombotic stimuli (Biology of Sex Differences201910:26

    Neuromics' HBMECS, derived from a male donor, were used to study the differences between Male and Female Cells. There are indeed striking differences in the expression of Cell Adhesion Molecules when the male and female cells were stimulated with inflammatory and thrombotic factors.
    4 Fold increase in release of MV from male (open bars) and female (black bars) HBMEC expressing cell adhesion molecules following stimulation with either TNFα (20 ng/ml) or THR (2 U/ml) for 20 h

    These molecules, in part, control tight junctions in HBMECS. In stroke patients, these are disrupted resulting in injury to the brain.

    The findings  underscore the appropriateness of identifying the sex of cells used in research studies of MV disposition within the vasculature, as well as the sex of cells used to generate MV for in vitro studies