Monday, November 24, 2014

Good Axon; Bad Axon: Regeneration in the CNS and Age

"The incapacity of the central nervous pathways to regenerate is a dogma accepted by science..." - Ramon y Cajal

Harvard University has opened access to Michio Wendell Painter's Dissertation: Regeneration in the aging peripheral nervous system. Will Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) and Neurodegenerative Diseases of the PNS become treatable with regenerative therapies? This work provides important insights.

Age plays a central role in regenerative capacities.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Neuropathy Research Solutions

New Publications and Past Postings

Here're are several key postings on Neuropathy and Neuropathic Pain:
Here're some "hot of the press" publications referencing use of Neuron-Glial Markers
Bethany L. Johnson-Kerner, Faizzan S. Ahmad, Alejandro Garcia Diaz, J. Palmer Greene, Steven J. Gray, R. Jude Samulski, Wendy K. Chung, Rudy Van Coster, Paul Maertens, Scott A. Noggle, Christopher E. Henderson and Hynek Wichterle. Intermediate filament protein accumulation in motor neurons derived from giant axonal neuropathy iPSCs rescued by restoration of gigaxonin. Hum. Mol. Genet. (2014) doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddu556. First published online: November 4, 2014.
...MAP2 (1:2,000, Neuromics, CH22103), NF-H (1:2000, Neuromics, CH22104), NF-L (1:200, Neuromics, MO22104)...

Images: Cells grown from adult rat brain. Large cell in middle is stained with mouse monoclonal to NF-L clone DA2 (green). Another type of neuronal lineage cell was stained with rabbit polyclonal to alpha-internexin (red). These cells were mitotic but had several characteristics of neurons. Rat spinal cord homogenate showing the major intermediate filament proteins of the nervous system (lane 1). The remaining lanes show blots of this material stainted with various antibodies including: NF-H, NF-M,, NF-L,, NF66 and GFAP 

Jianfei Guo, Xudong Fu, Xia Cui, Minhua Fan. Contributions of purinergic P2X3 receptors within the midbrain periaqueductal gray to diabetes-induced neuropathic pain. The Journal of Physiological Sciences November 2014.
...An equal volume of total and membrane samples was applied to SDS-PAGE. Membranes were incubated with the rabbit anti-P2X 3 primary antibody (1:1000, Neuromics, Edina, MN, USA) and goat anti-rabbit secondary antibody (1:200, Neuromics, Edina, MN, USA).

Neuropathy Research Solutions Include:

Friday, November 14, 2014

Immune System/Stem Cell Health and Aging

Looking, feeling and  performing your best depends on balanced immunity and stem cell vitality

As we age we encounter:
  • Slower healing
  • Longer recovery time from vigorous exercise
  • More general aches and pains
  • Longer recovery from illness
  • Wrinkled, dry and thinning skin
Why is that? What are the causes? Answers can be found by a better understanding of immune/inflammatory response and stem cell systems. As we age our immune system weakens or becomes dysregulated (autoimmunity) and our stem cell "bank balances" deplete. My friend and world class stem cell therapies expert, Dr. Neil Riordan, gives an excellent description of the process: Your Body’s Stem Cell Bank Account.

To oversimplify, the immune system is responsible for cleansing the body of pathogens, toxins, allergens and damaged tissues/cells. This creates a healthy environment for stem cells to repair and regenerate new, healthy cells and tissue. We call this process the immunoLinkTM.

immunoLink Therapies is a new company of mine slated to launch in the spring of 2015. Our goal is to slow the aging process by offering solutions that balance your immunity and increase your stem cell vitality. Our vanguard product (currently available) is Stem-Kine. It is a blood stem cell booster which increases the level of immune factors and red blood cells in your cardiovascular system. The result is faster healing/recovery and increased endurance via better oxygen delivery.

If you desire to learn more, do not hesitate to call (612-801-1007) or e-mail: Thank you. Pete Shuster

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Saturday, November 01, 2014

GFP Labeled Mouse Motor Neurons-Buy Now Save 100 USD

Designed for Motor Neuron Disease Research

I am pleased to add (finally) to our catalog potent, pure and ready to culture motor neurons. I know from the many request I have gotten for these that demand could be out stripping supply.

These are designed foruse in High-throughput fluorescent screening applications. Derived from transgenic mice expressing eGFP using Hb9 motorneuron promoter enables easy tracking and vi sualization of spinal motor neurons without the need for additional fluorescent markers and extended cultures.

Image: GFP+ mMN Mouse Motor Neurons at 2 days post thaw 20X

If you want to learn more about our any of our Neuron-Glial-Astrocyte Based Assay Solutions, do not hesitate to contact me (612-801-1007) or Pete Shuster, Owner and CEO, Neuromics.