Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Using hESCs to Understand Vasculogenesis Processes

The Role of BMP4 Plays in Regulating Vascular Development

My friend, Dr. Steve Stice and team at UGA have published excellent findings on the process of vasculogenesis: N. L. Boyd, S. K. Dhara, R. Rekaya, E. A. Godbey, K. Hasneen, R. R. Rao, F. D. West III, B. A. Gerwe, S. L. Stice. BMP4 Promotes Formation of Primitive Vascular Networks in Human Embryonic Stem Cell–Derived Embryoid Bodies. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) June 2007 vol. 232 no. 6 833-843.
Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) have the capability to produce all of the cells of the body and have been used as in vitro models to study the molecular signals controlling differentiation and vessel assembly. One such regulatory molecule is bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP4), which is required for mesoderm formation and vascular/hematopoietic specification in several species. However, hESC grown in feeder-free conditions and treated with BMP4 differentiate into a cellular phenotype highly expressing a trophoblast gene profile. Therefore, it is unclear what role, if any, BMP4 plays in regulating vascular development in hESC. Here we show in two National Institutes of Health–registered hESC lines (BG02 and WA09) cultured on a 3D substrate of Matrigel in endothelial cell growth medium–2 that the addition of BMP4 (100 ng/ml) for 3 days significantly increases the formation and outgrowth of a network of cells reminiscent of capillary-like structures formed by mature endothelial cells (P < 0.05). Analysis of the expression of 45 genes by quantitative real time–polymerase chain reaction on a low-density array of the entire culture indicates a rapid and significant downregulation of pluripotent and most ectodermal markers with a general upregulation of endoderm, mesoderm, and endothelial markers. Of the genes assayed, BMPR2 and RUNX1 were differentially affected by exposure to BMP4 in both cell lines. Immunocytochemistry indicates the morphological structures formed were negative for the mature endothelial markers CD31 and CD146 as well as the neural marker SOX2, yet positive for the early vascular markers of endothelium (KDR, NESTIN) and smooth muscle cells (α-smooth muscle actin [αSMA]). Together, these data suggest BMP4 can enhance the formation and outgrowth of an immature vascular system.
Figures: Least-squared mean gene expression analysis of BMP4 versus control time course for BGO2 and WA09. BG02 (solid lines) and WA09 (dashed lines) were cultured for 3 days ± BMP4, then for another 5 days in EGM-2 only. Samples were collected on Days 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8; total RNA was extracted, and gene expression was analyzed by qRT-PCR. Least-squared mean comparison was then expressed as x-fold change with respect to Day 0 control. The gene expression time course for (A) OCT4, (B) HEY1, (C) GATA3, (D) NESTIN, (E) SOX2, (F) BMPR2, (G) KDR/Flk1, and (H) CD31/PECAM1 are shown. (BG02: −BMP4 = solid diamond; +BMP4 = solid square; WA09: −BMP4 = open triangle; +BMP4 = open circle; * P < 0.05 for BG02 only; ** P < 0.05 for WA09 only; *** P < 0.05 for both BG02 and WA09).

Images: Early vascular markers KDR, αSMA, and NESTIN are detected within the network structures and elsewhere. Cell cultures were dual-immunostained to detect co-expression of KDR with αSMA (A–C), KDR with NESTIN (D–F), or αSMA with NESTIN (G–I), and the nucleus was counterstained with DAPI. For each case, three different morphologic regions were represented: the residual EB (A, D, and G), the periphery of the EB (B, E, and H), and the thin network structures (C, F, and I). All images were acquired with a ×40 oil objective, and a Z series stack was projected into a single image. A color figure is available in the online version of the journal.

These findings confirm the use of stem cells and the EB as a model of early development including vasculogenesis (34). Using hESC in this manner can provide insights into the mechanisms regulating the earliest events in human vasculogenesis. An understanding of how the vasculature is formed could also be applied to tissue engineering and angiogenic/ischemic therapies. Note: our Mouse Monoclonal Nestin Antibody is an excellent marker for early vasculogensis of the endothelium.

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