Wednesday, December 24, 2014

immunoLink Therapies and Treating ASD Children

6-Months of Therapy and Testing Results

I have previously posted our testing and treatment regime for ASD Children. For some of the children, we are seeing marked improvement after 6 months of our treatment regime using solutions aimed at balance immunity and stem cell vitality.

We find that for the children we treat all have varying dysregulated levels of immune/inflammatory response, oxidative stress and growth factor/neurotrophin biomarkers.  We customize treatment plans based on pre-treatment testing results. We then re-test after 6 months to see the level of moderation in these biomarkers/factors. The re-tests are used to show the parents how well these children are responding to treatment and to further adjust plans.

Here I would like to share the results from our more traditional medical testing. These are representative results from one of the Children we are treating.
Graph: ASD Child Pre-treament and 6 month treatment analyte levels vs healthy sweet spots

If you are interested in learning more, please contact me directly (612-801-1007) or Pete Shuster, CEO and Owner of Neuromics and ImmunoLinkTMTherapies.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

immunoLink Therapies-Initial Products

Feeling and performing your best depends on balanced immunity and stem cell vitality

Your current investment in exercise, healthy diet and supplements are aiming you towards what we call the immunoLink sweet spot. If you have hit the bull’s eye, you would be seeking ways to stay there, because this is where you feel awesomely great and are most productive. If you have never been there, now is the time.

Illness, injury and medical procedures push you from the spot, but if you are near or on it, your recovery will be faster and more complete. The far reaches of the immunoLink Spectrum represent a cold wasteland of misery and despair.

How do we Know These Solutions Work?-Our Clients have autoimmune and degenerative diseases or are seeking peak performance. Prior to customizing their treatment strategies, we measure the levels of immune/inflammatory response, oxidative stress, allergens and stem cell health factors in our Clients' blood serum. The levels of these factors are compared with healthy controls. We then re-test after 6 months of treatments. For many the improvement in health and performance are startling. This is confirmed in the re-tests.
Stem-Kine and StemTrophin are central to our treatment strategies. Stem-Kine boosts the levels of circulating blood stem cells. These cells differentiate into immune factors and red blood cells. This boosts oxygen delivery and immunity resulting in greater endurance, mental acuity and cardiovascular health. StemTrophin activates mesenchymal stem cell migration. These cells are essential for immune suppression and then initiating the process of repair and regeneration at the sites of injury or degeneration. To learn more or order by phone, please call me directly at 612-801-1007 or you can also inquire via my e-mail: Pete Shuster, CEO and Owner, Neuromics and immunoLink Therapies.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Stem Cell Based Therapy For Tendinosis

Using Collagen I Producing Cells from Hair Follicles

Learn how these cells can be these cells can be harvested, purified and expanded to treat a chronic, degeneration of tendons.

Saturday, December 06, 2014

Treating Autism-Immune System Balancing and Stem Cell Activating Therapies

Linking the Immune System with Stem Cell Health to Treat ASD Children

We have been testing immune/inflammatory response, oxidative stress and growth factor/neurotrophin biomarkers in the blood sera of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We did this testing using our Quantibody Arrays.

The purpose of these tests were to establish a baseline for the state of these children's immune system and stem cell health. In this baseline testing, we found that all had high immune/inflammatory response, oxidative stress and low levels of the growth factors/neurotrophins needed for repairing and regenerated damaged cells/tissue (stem cell health).

We then treated these children with customized combinations of immune balancing and stem cell activating agents with the goal of showing that any improvement in ASD related symproms would be confirmed by positive modulations of biomarkers that are dysregulated in this disorder. We re-test at 6 months after initiation of the treatment plans.

The goal of our treatment strategies is to balance the immune system and activate the natural cell/tissue repair and regeneration (stem cell) processes. We call this the immunoLinkTM.

We are seeing improvement in the symptoms of the first 2 children recently retested and a marked improvement in the levels of their biomarkers. Here's data from one of the children. Note that key immune/inflammatory response markers have now moderated to the levels of healthy controls.

Graphs: Comparison of initial testing (red) and 6 month re-test (green) vs healthy controls (blue) for one of our ASD Children

We are developing a website that will have a wealth of information to help parents determine treatment strategies for ASD Children. We are also making our treatment plans and strategies available to interested parents. The website ecosystem will be named immunoLinkTM Therapies.
In the meantime, should you want to investigate if we could help your child, do not hesitate to contact me e-mail: or cell: 612-801-1007. Pete Shuster, CEO and Owner.